Welcome to uAttend


Capture & Record Attendance

Capture every clocking from every time clock in your uAttend cloud account the moment it is recorded. See who’s in, who’s out, who’s early, who’s late in real time from your computer, laptop or smartphone. No more chasing paper time sheets for employee hours worked.

Manage Time Cards Anywhere

Quickly review approve, and calculate all your digital timesheets in your uAttend cloud application. Check, edit, and configure employee hours one at a time or in time cards, manual calculations, or annoying errors.

Export Hours To Payroll

Automatically calculate, review, and approve employee hours for any pay period in your uAttend cloud application. Export timesheets to payroll system in minutes. It’s so simple, no more messy handwriting, calculators, calendars or expensive human errors.

Manage Time Cards Anywhere

With cloud based technology uAttend provides great flexibility to clock in & access employee attendance data from any part of the world, using any device, and easily export data to use with your payroll system.

How It Works For You

● Data transfers live to your cloud time management application

● Automatically calculates your time sheets ready for payroll

● Unlimited clockings per day

● Job Tracking & Sub-Job Tracking for client invoicing

● Email notifications to alert late starts or early finishes

● LIFETIME Full technical support included

● LIFETIME Replacement Warranty

Get Easy Solutions

Easy to get started & easy to use.

We’ve got the best solutions for you business!

How It Works For Your Employees

● Employee clock via time clock, smartphone or website

● Employees request time off via time clock or website

● Allow employees to clock in and out from different departments

● Accurate payslips for time worked

● Employee have access to view their time and attendance totals

Affordable Plans For Every Business



$28 Per Month



$48 Per Month



$84 Per Month



$134 Per Month



$170 Per Month

All monthly cloud account plans are designed for two time clocks, one administrator, and unlimited data exports in .csv format. Add $10 per month for each additional time clock over two. Add $6 per month for each additional administrator over one. Add $5 per month for data exports in formats other than .csv.

See Our Products

Want A Demo?

Watch this demonstration for an overview of how it works.

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    Sales & Support Australia-Wide:

    Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth

    ABN: 20 163 959 779

    Email: sales@uattend.com.au

    Phone: 1300 309 339